Bbm symbol list

BBM Emoticons List | BBM Emoticons
List of BBM Extra Symbols.
Blackberry messenger is the new improvised real- time text communication that enables users of blackberry PDA phones to include media sharing and other enhancements.
BBM Emoticons - Meaning of Symbols.
Blackberry Messenger Emoticons / BBM Emoticons and Symbols. If you looking for how to add Emoticons and Symbols on BlackBerry Messenger[ BBM Emoticons and Symbols
Bbm symbol list
BBM Emoticon Codes List Hi..I have an IPhone. Many of my friends have Blackberry's. When they send me messages using comes out as symbols. Is there a way to convert them so II am a totally newbie to BlackBerrry, recently got a BB Bold 9000. When you use BBM (blackberry messenger) talking with your contact, sometimes a "little clock symbol"
Bbm symbol list

Add Emoticons and Symbols to Blackberry.
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I noticed that some of my contacts have symbols (lightning bolt, spades) next to their names that are not avlbl on the symbols list. Does anyone know how to add these
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